PACRAO Pals 2019

One of the many opportunities to serve in our higher education community is the PACRAO Pals Program (PPP). PACRAO Pals is designed to introduce first-time conference attendees to the PACRAO family and to establish a direct link with PACRAO. The PACRAO Pal Program provides a mentor to our first-time attendees, and that mentor helps the first-time attendee navigate our extensive resources in order to maximize their first experience at our conference.

You can select the option of being a mentor or mentee in the conference registration process. The initial mentorship commitment is for the length of the conference, though the connections between many PACRAO Pals extend past the conference into ongoing, supportive professional relationships.

If you have any questions about the opportunities listed above, please contact Jana Jaraysi at

Conference HomeRegistration  Session ProposalsMeeting at a GlanceHotelSpeakers2019 Book ClubPACRAO Gives Back
Travel InformationThings to DoGalaWorkshopsPresentationsAttendee ExperiencePACRAO Pals